The Online Supplier Directory
The Showman's Supplier Directory is the free online source of event contractors and services for Event Organisers and Event Suppliers. Listing some of the outdoor events industry's finest companies.
Searched 1000's of times annually, with prices starting from as little as £45 for the year, get in touch to list your company on the Showman's Supplier Directory or complete and return the order form here.
- Bronze entry: £45 (+VAT) for 12 months. This includes company contact details and a 20 word company description.
- Silver entry: £90 (+VAT) for 12 months. This includes a Bronze listing with the addition of a company logo.
- Gold entry: £165 (+VAT) for 12 months. This includes a Silver listing with the addition of a banner advert.
There are also banner advertising opportunities in the monthly enews letter from £350 per edition as well as our website home page at £400 per month.