Illumin8 has invested heavily in environmentally friendly technology and is hoping that the wider event industry will be quick to adopt its sustainable options. It’s stand will feature a combination of its ECO8 lights, Lithium Hybrid towers and Solar Pro. 

The Lithium Hybrid units should be something that every event organiser considers. They are using the latest technology to reduce fuel usage as well as reducing CO2 emissions by around 80% over the duration of their events! On top of this, they have the same footprint as Illumin8’s standard ECO8 towers ensuring that it can still fit 13 units on a truck. This makes them extremely efficient to move, again reducing CO2 emitted from truck movements. On-board telemetry and management systems allow for remote monitoring and access to the towers, reducing the need for call outs and on-site movements. The monitoring and reporting of data both during and post event makes them the most sustainable choice.


Visit Illumin8 on Avenue B, stand 156